Creating a Flow
You can create a Flow from Documents / Files already stored within a Project, or by using Quickstart. Flows are a great way to stay on top of important items that require collaboration, approvals, and even feedback.
Flow Types:
There are two types of Flows to choose from (with more coming soon).
Approval Request -
When you need the go ahead on a Document / File from a team member or guest.
General Request -
When you would like input, feedback, or a response on a Document / File
You can also include others on a Flow by keeping them "In the loop". By doing so, they have access to the Flow and comment section, but no action is required by them.
Mandatory Fields:
There are 3 fields that are required before you can send your Flow.
- Recipients (at least one user added)
- Project (what project the Flow is referring to)
- Due Date (todays date is automatically populated)
You can add optional information to your Flow.
- Add a message to the recipients
- Mark the Flow as Urgent
- Add a tag to the Flow
- Require a file upload from recipients (General Request only)
Once a Flow is sent, you can keep track of it within the Flows page.